Stilian Gorici
4 min readOct 16, 2021

A day as a doordasher

The new trend. The fast way to get food. Of course we had amazon however this is something different. This speaks directly to our basic instict for feeding. The food we love akt our door, at any time we want.

This is basically the feeling of the client. However how does a day behind the wheel looks like.

I use to do doordash once per week. I started just by curiosity as everyonewas talking about it and it popped up in almost every youtube video.

I signed up, which is actually prettyis if you follow the steps provided. And I it took me 2 weeks to decide to try it. I hud a cup of double espresso and a USB cord for my phone, a notebook, checked the gas on my car and left. I set up the area and headed to the recommended hot spot opened my notebook and wrote down the milage of the car and the time I started.

In a few minutes I had my first order. A peets coffee delivery just 2 miles away for $5.65. And I felt like a child who just had his gift. This was the smooth part. That day I accepted all my order 6 in total and i was tracking the distances in my notebook. Some far distant some close by. After 3 hours I got home.The 3 hours I was on the task paid me back $62 and loaded my car with 34 miles.

When I got back home started doing the maths for my working day. Considering my car’s MPG and the price of gas in Bay Area my car just had $5. The IRS will ask me to pay $14.90 in taxes. So the net profit without adding to the equation the maintenance cost of the car is $42.10, which break up at around $14 per hour.

After consideration I decided to try it a few more days, different times and for more hours with a maximum of 8 working hours so I can compare it with a normal job. After 3 months doing this job now my average net income is $21 per hour, not bad considering the effort you put to complete complete task and the freedom you have to choose when you can work.

For tracking your milage you can also use an app. There are lots of them with a free try or limited tracking records and they help a lot. Their only problem is that you have to start and stop the tracking manually otherwise you will end loosing hundred of miles at the end of the year. They start tracking a few feets later, it may seem minor however adding all these at the end of the year it is some hundred miles which translates some hundred buck saving or paying at your tax return.

So if you decide to doordash.

• Have a note book to track your milage, this is the most important task. Depending on how you track your milage you can save up a lot of money at your tax return. Write dawn your cars milage at the beginning and the end of the shift, and write down the distances showed on the app to compare. The app calculate the milage from the acceptance of the order to the completion and not the commute which is almost the same total of miles.

• Choose the orders you accept not long distances, stay in your delivery area.

• Schedule the time you will doordash and choose the bonus times. It add up a decent amount at the end of the day.

• Communicate with the clients for the deliveries. They will appreciate if you handle them their order correctly in time and respond to their requests.

• Report all delays and contact Doordash assistant for any issue. It might take a bit of your time however it helps. They will help you resolve all the issues. Their customer service is worth mentioning.

• Doordash for at least 4 hours to make it worth. Less hours will end up doing lot off miles with a small return.


• Have big big cup of coffee or tea or any other sort of soft.

• A big bottle of water. You have to stay hydrated especially if you drive during daytime.

• And a good podcast to listen to. You can combine driving time with learning something new. It is a lot of time you will spend in the car.

This side hustle has its pros and cons.

As you doordash you can check new restaurants for your free time, and try new tastes. Drive through all kind of neighborhoods so you get a better idea of the microworld around us. And last but not least you drive which is a relaxing task for me.

In contrast with these, this jobs helps you get some extra pounds as you are mainly sitting. Your car will load up some miles which matters If you lease.

All jobs are worth doing them if you commit to do it wright and get better at it.

You can earn extra mony in many ways and this is one of them.

This is my experience from this side job, I hope it helps anyone who decide to try it.

Stilian Gorici
Stilian Gorici

Written by Stilian Gorici

Me and my thoughts! Experience gained through my career as an Operations Manager and my studies in Economics!

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