Stilian Gorici
2 min readJun 4, 2022


Silicon Valley, A new era or the end of an era?

Silicon Valley , the ultimate place for bright minds to unfold their potential, put their ideas in work and start up meningfull companies for the humanity.
This used to be the reallity for the last 2 decades. More and more people moving in the area which was grwoing and expanding and getting expesive to live. This was the area to thrive.

However during the unexpected pandemic and its aftercomes people start rethinking this idea, trying new oportunities to different places. Old generation left the area, and a new generation is comming to step on their success stories and make their dreams reality.

Different cities acros the states envied the Bay Area success to attract bright mindes and investors. They tried to create their own tech hubs. Places where new investors could start the next big thing . However none of them had any actuall success until the pandemic time.

During the pandemic and with the easyness of working from home more and more people made the decession to leave Bay Area. Either to work remotly or start a new bussines in a different city, less expencive and with growing potentials. Opening the oportuinty for new grads to come in this area.

Thinking about this , who is the real winner ? Are the cities that attracted the old generation with their experience and investment power or is Bay Area who will have a whole new generation of eager young people to thrive in this world?

Will silicon valley replicate the success of the last years or this is a fading time for this shiny place. Life is running in cylces and a success story is follow with a decline and reverse . We have to wait and see if this is the case for Silicon Valley and if yes how long will it take to reverse the downtrend and start being a powerhouse in inovation again.



Stilian Gorici

Me and my thoughts! Experience gained through my career as an Operations Manager and my studies in Economics!