Stilian Gorici
3 min readJul 18, 2023


The Evolution of the Manager: Knowledge and Behavior Over the Years


Managers play a crucial role in organizations, overseeing teams and driving productivity. Over the years, the knowledge and behavior expected from managers have evolved significantly. Here are 10 key points that highlight this evolution:

1. Traditional Hierarchical Approach: In the past, managers were typically authoritarian figures who relied on a command-and-control style of leadership. The emphasis was on maintaining discipline and ensuring compliance.

2. Shift towards Leadership: As organizations recognized the importance of inspiring and motivating employees, the role of managers transformed into one of leadership. Managers began to focus on setting a vision, coaching, and developing their teams.

3. Emotional Intelligence: With a growing emphasis on teamwork and collaboration, managers started recognizing the importance of emotional intelligence. Understanding and managing emotions, both their own and those of their team members, became a vital skill for effective management.

4. Adaptive Communication: The evolution of technology and globalization necessitated the development of adaptive communication skills. Managers now need to communicate across diverse cultures, generations, and mediums, requiring them to be adept at tailoring their messages accordingly.

5. Data-Driven Decision Making: The availability of data and advanced analytics has revolutionized the way managers make decisions. Modern managers are expected to use data to drive their decisions, leveraging insights for more informed choices and better outcomes.

6. Agile and Flexible Management: In response to a rapidly changing business environment, managers have adopted agile and flexible management approaches. They must be adaptable, open to change, and capable of leading teams through uncertain and dynamic situations.

7. Focus on Employee Development: As the importance of employee engagement and retention became apparent, managers took on the responsibility of fostering employee growth and development. They support career progression, provide opportunities for learning, and offer regular feedback and coaching.

8. Inclusive and Diverse Leadership: Recognizing the benefits of diversity and inclusion, modern managers aim to create inclusive work environments that value different perspectives. They actively seek diversity in their teams and promote equal opportunities for all employees.

9. Ethical and Responsible Leadership: The evolution of societal expectations has placed a greater emphasis on ethical and responsible leadership. Managers are now expected to act with integrity, make ethical decisions, and consider the social and environmental impact of their actions.

10. Continuous Learning and Adaptation: Finally, the evolving nature of work and organizations demands that managers embrace lifelong learning and continuous development. They must stay updated with industry trends, technological advancements, and new management practices to remain effective in their roles.

In conclusion, the role of managers has experienced a significant evolution in terms of knowledge and behavior. From traditional hierarchies to adaptive leadership, emotional intelligence to data-driven decision making, and ethical responsibility to inclusive leadership, managers today must possess a diverse skill set to succeed in their roles.

As the renowned management consultant Peter Drucker once said, "Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things." This quote encapsulates the essence of the evolving role of managers, highlighting the importance of both effective execution and strategic decision-making in modern organizations.

For more information on the topic, you can refer to the following sources:

1. "The Evolution of Management Thinking" by Wren, Daniel A., Bedeian, Arthur G., and Breeze, John D.
2. "The New Leaders: Transforming the Art of Leadership into the Science of Results" by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee.

These resources delve deeper into the evolution of management knowledge and behavior, providing valuable insights and historical context.



Stilian Gorici

Me and my thoughts! Experience gained through my career as an Operations Manager and my studies in Economics!